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Bright, Cheerful Bouquet


Soft, Pastel Bouquet


Dark, Moody Bouquet


Designer's Choice

Designer's Choice


Need a custom arrangement

that isn't in the shop?

I can do that! Here's How:


 or fill out the form below to inquire

Custom Delivery Inquiry Form

I'll get in touch via email or phone about my availability. Payment can be taken over the phone or by online invoice. Please note that flowers won't be designed or delivered before payment.

"I called her to order a special bouquet for a dear friend; I had a specific picture in my mind, sent her a concept picture and then told her the things I liked and didn't - and she nailed it! She is just lovely to boot. Highly recommend!"

-Amy, August 2020

"The arrangement was stunning and she was gobsmacked, so thanks for making me look like the birthday hero!!!"

-Kayte, August 2020

Have a questions for me?

Email me at and I'll get in touch soon.

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